I've been a tutor for this past semester to students taking Introduction to Programming. Many who have come to my session are moving on to Data Structures next semester. They asked if they could have a primer as to what to expect. I have some resources that I have found helpful both while taking the course and tutoring it in the past. It will take me a little bit to compile a good list of those, but for now, here is a bare-bones list of topics of topics you might expect to see for a data structures course: Part 1: - Running time of code segments (Big-O Notation) - Abstract Data Type (ADT) - Interfaces (when to use "implements", cannot instantiate them, what inheritance is) - Superclass, subclass, method overriding/overloading - Abstract classes Part 2: - Binary Search Trees - Stacks (and its four methods — push, pop, peek, empty) - Linked list (single, double, circular) - Prefix and postfix notation (compare to infix) Part 3: - Min/Max Heap - Hash Table...
For the final pattern that I will be writing about for this capstone, I wanted to write about something that I’ve felt for a while, but I did not know if my intuition was correct. I picked this one because of this line, “someone who has never failed at anything has either avoided pushing at the boundaries of their abilities or has learned to overlook their own mistakes.” I feel that I have faced setback after setback in my life. I like to believe that it helps make me into a better, stronger, and more resilient person. When I struggle to learn something, I find that I understand it more thoroughly than if it came easy. It will also be much less likely to forget. The struggle is something to be embraced. It should not be a reason to give up. On the contrary, it should be a sign you’re going in the right direction. It’s like a video game where you’re not progressing in the level if there’s no bad guys in the way. I thought the “action” piece that the authors suggest is an apt one. ...